bownham park lower roadWelcome

A very warm welcome to you all. If you have recently moved here, please contact the Secretary or Treasurer so that we can update our records.

Bownham Park Rodborough Residents Association Limited (The Association)

The Association owns the Estate roads, verges, common areas and common lengths of storm water drains. The Council of the Association is elected by the residents with a mandate to represent the interests of all of the residents on the Estate. The elected members of the Council of the Association are also directors of the Company.

Association membership is generally automatic on purchase of a house on the Estate and we levy an annual maintenance fee to fund the Company’s work.

The Directors who carry out this work are unpaid, volunteer residents.

Money is spent by the Association on the following:

  1. The maintenance, sweeping, and repair of roads.
  2. The regular clearing and maintenance of common storm water drains.
  3. The care and maintenance of verges and islands.
  4. The maintenance of gates and signs.
  5. Planning matters - The Association aims to encourage 'good neighbourliness' with regard to the wider Bownham Park community. (For more detail please refer to the planning page.)

In these ways the Association has for over 40 years been able to:


Restrictive Covenants and Restrictions (example)

Most of the properties on Bownham Park do have restrictive covenants and these vary, so only by checking your own covenant can you be sure of any restrictions that apply.

We include an example one below.

Restrictive Covenants and Restrictions PDF

Restrictive Covenants and Restrictions Word Doc